YaCyIndexerGreasemonkey ======================= Greasemonkey script to index visited websites with the [YaCy P2P search engine](http://yacy.net/). Installation (Basic) -------------------- If you want to use the default settings (crawl depth 1), just view the yacy_indexer.user.js file in GitHub and click the "Raw" link. Greasemonkey should prompt you to install the script. Installation (Custom Settings) ------------------------------ If you'd like to customize the settings, perform the Basic Installation above, and then use the Edit User Script feature in your browser. In Firefox, this is Tools -> Greasemonkey -> Manage User Scripts -> YaCyIndexer -> Options -> Edit This User Script. The following settings are customizable: ###var paramYaCyLocation = 'http://localhost:8090'; If your YaCy installation is on a different host or port from the default, change this setting. ###var paramEnableQueryString = false; Set this to true if you wish to index pages with a query string (something after a question mark in the URL). Note that this is a potential privacy leak. The default setting (false) will remove the query string before indexing pages to protect your privacy. ###var paramDepth = 1; This is the crawl depth for each page you visit. 0 will only index the visited page. Higher values will index deeper but use exponentially more bandwidth. ###var paramAgeNum = 7; and var paramAgeUnit = 'day'; These control how frequently YaCy will re-index content which was previously indexed. ###Other settings The other YaCy API arguments can be changed too, if you've read the [YaCy API documentation](http://www.yacy-websuche.de/wiki/index.php/Dev:API#Managing_crawl_jobs).